Engineering Ltd
Specialist Group
Improvements to North Kent treatment works to ensure future capacity is met.
Swalecliffe WTW is located on the north Kent coast. The site treats sewage arising from a population equivalent of 35,687 from the catchment area and this is estimated to rise to 37,550 by 2030. To accommodate the future increase in waste, CMDP the principle contractor on behalf of Southern Water awarded the mechanical and electrical contract after a successful tender by R&B, to provide M&E works with the installation of new storm screening unit.
Design and build of the larger replacement Long Sea Outfall (LSO) pumps including new MCC panel and VSD starters. Three new Xylem VSD storm pumps have been installed and are now operational and managing storm flows of 760lps for storm process compliance.
The early commissioning of the new storm pumps gives assurance of a storm pumping solution to meet the environmental targets and meet the clients obligations to the environmental agency. As part of a further project a larger diameter Short Sea Outfall (SSO) pipe from a new tank to the Permit discharge location will be provided.